
美 [nʌm]英 [nʌm]
  • adj.麻木的;失去知觉的;迟钝的;呆滞的
  • v.使失去知觉;使麻木;使迟钝
  • 网络失去感觉的;麻痹;数字

第三人称单数:numbs 现在分词:numbing 过去式:numbed



1.麻木的;失去知觉的if a part of your body isnumb , you cannot feel anything in it, for example because of cold

2.麻木的;迟钝的;呆滞的unable to feel, think or react in the normal way


马修·派瑞_百度百科 ... 电影《智慧开端》( The Beginning of Wisdom) 电影《麻木》( Numb) 电影《几近英雄》( Almost …


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... uncertainty n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 numb a. 失去知觉的,麻木的 garage n. 汽 …


be- - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典 ... calm(“ 使安静”) numb(“ 使麻木”) dazzle( “使晕眩”) ...


考研英语单词乱序俞敏洪lrc ... persecute v. 迫害 numb a. 麻木的,失去感觉的 v.使麻木 slice n. 薄片,切片;一份;部分切(片) ...


最佳减压妙法 - 出国留学网 ... vintage adj. 古老的;最佳的 numb v. 麻痹 smother v. 抑制;隐藏 ...


出国口语_百度百科 ... 在酒吧 AttheBar0201 数字 Number0215 时间 Time0221 ...


不舒服 English, 翻译, 例句,... ... 不力 not exert oneself;not do one's best 不仁 numb;not benevolent;heartless 不太 less ...

white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench. 白人好像并不留意他所呼吸的空气,一如陈死之人不惧恶臭。
'It was nothing, ' he said with his usual conviction. 'Anyone could tell that you're strange. You're just numb, that's all. ' “那不算什么,”他带着惯有的自信说,“任何人都可以看得出你很奇怪,只是你自己麻木了,如此而已。”
When you go in there, its a little numb but you know, its only once a year, its a beautiful tradition and Happy New Year! 刚进水的时候,你感觉都有点麻了,但是这次活动只是一年一次,是一个很美好的传统。祝大家新年好!
The girl lit the match with her frozen hand which had already numb with cold. 小女孩用她因寒冷而冻僵的手点亮了火柴。
After Carlisle told me that Charlie might not make it, unless we tuned him into a vampire, I started to feel numb. 在卡莱尔告诉我如果我们不把查理转变成吸血鬼,他很可能挺不过这一关之后,我的感觉开始渐渐麻痹。
Many across the world at this time are trying to stay numb and not allow emotion to rise within and to these people we ask why? 全世界很多人此时尽力停留于麻木状态,并且不让内心的情感外露,对这些人我要问为什么要这样?
During a 20-day stay, he said, he was lashed to a bed, forced to take pills and given injections that made him numb and woozy . 在被扣押的20天里,他说,他被捆绑于床上,被迫服用药片和注射使他变得糊里糊涂的。
Her eyes start to be suffused with water smog, the whole body is numb and feeble to not go, blare, why her body ambition so acute? 她眼睛泛起水雾,全身酥麻得不行,呜,为什么她的身体会这么敏感?
"If you do the same thing all day long you can become numb, " he said. "But I've gotten used to doing this type of work. " 他说,“如果你每天做同一件事,你会变得麻木,但我已经习惯了这种工作。”
My really good want to cry, but own already were numb, did not know any called to cry. 我真的好想哭出来,但是自己已经麻木,不知道什么叫哭了。
The flight of time, time is running, but I do not know when, the heart appears to be old, numb. 光阴似箭,年华似水,只是不知何时,心似乎老了,麻木了。
The safe, numb deadness did not come back, and I got more anxious with every minute that passed without its return. 那种安全的死人一般的麻木感还没有回来,我焦虑成分的熬过第一分等待它的回归。
And every second i waste is more than i can take. i've become so numb i can't feel you there. i've become so tired so much more aware. 我浪费的每一秒多过我能承受的。于是,我变的麻木,不能感觉到你在那里,比我意识到的累很多。
One person falls sea, another 2 people shake become numb, ear Weng Weng, have been a bit not awake. 一人落海,另两人震得发麻,耳边嗡嗡,已经有些不清醒。
Mr. Lin stared at the stairway, bewildered. He felt he had something important to say, but he was too numb to recall what it was. 林先生望着楼梯发怔,心里感到有什么要紧的事,却又乱麻麻地总是想不起。
Second, too much stimulation can numb the pleasure response of the brain for a time, pumping up cravings for more novel stimuli. 其次,过多刺激可能会使大脑的愉悦反应麻痹一段时间,激发对新鲜刺激的渴求。
She was numb to all issues other than the question of Dyke's capture. 除了关于戴克有没有给逮住的问题,她对什么问题都漠不关心。
Is again numb and weak to obtain overseas from her peak of the tongue, collapse tight body nerveless soft come down. 阵阵酥麻从她舌尖传开,崩紧的身体无力的软了下来。
A topical anesthetic is usually applied to the area that will be treated to numb the injection site. 热门麻醉通常用于治疗方面,将来麻痹注射部位。
Today, I had a toothache and applied some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb. 今天我牙疼,就抹了点麻药,结果抹多了,整个嘴都麻掉了。
Many people also find relief in over-eating, trying to numb their anxiety with too much ice cream or smother it in cheese sauce. 很多人还用暴食减压,试着用过多的冰激凌来麻痹或靠起司酱来抑制他们的焦虑。
A few streets away, Huajun was living alone and drinking heavily: "I hoped to make myself numb, " he said. 那时尹华军在不远处独自生活,酗酒很严重:“我就想麻醉自己。”
After a while of the position, his hips may get numb due to the weight, but it won't harm him at all. 这种姿势持续一段时间之后,男性的臀部会感觉有点麻木,但这对男性完全没有伤害。
And I know we've all seen images enough to make us numb, of the tragedies that we're perpetrating on the planet. 我们看到过很多关于地球生态遭到破坏的图片,多到足以使我们麻木。
The very insignificance of this planet in the vastness of the known universe is enough to numb the minds of most people . 在广阔无垠的已知宇宙中,这颗行星是微不足道的,大多数人对此无法想象。
Some people lose themselves in playing computer games or eat or drink to excess. And some people feel numb, as if nothing has happened. 一些人会沉迷于网络游戏的世界或者不停的吃东西,还有一些人变得麻木不仁,好像什么也没发生过。
We didn't even go inside the igloo at first. We just stood outside, our cheeks numb from the cold, and stared at the sky. 开始我们甚至没有走进玻璃房,只是站在屋外仰望天空,把脸颊冻得发麻。
One of my arms becomes numb for several minutes once in a while. 我一双手臂有时会麻几分钟。
Other than numb fingertips, which will likely take a month to return to normal, Giesbrecht said he feels fine. 吉斯布雷西特说,除了被冻僵的指尖可能需要一个月才能恢复之外,他感受很好。
Other parts of the body may also appear numb and may feel abnormal or even paraplegia. 身体其他部位也可能呈现麻木,还可能觉得异常,以至半身不遂。